Kunming Huang Comes to 4.cn[2010-07-27 17:00:26]

(Jun Xu, 4.cn founder, shows Hangzhou Party Secretary, Kunming Huang ,the domain transaction process.)
Hangzhou Party Secretary Kunming Huang, Jianggan District Party Secretary Liyi Xu, Jianggan District Governor Zhongguang Cai and other leaders came to inspect 4.cn in the morning of 14th July,2010. Jun Xu, 4.cn founder and CEO Wenlong Wu, extended warm welcome to the leaders and gave an account of 4.cn's developmental history, the current status,and the objective.
First, they came to domain brokers' office where Jun Xu, introduced the operation procedure of the company and the current situation of domain industry, toward which Secretaries showed great interest. Leaders inquired the development of 4.cn with great concern and domain auction and trade platforms innovated by 4.cn got the approval.
Having visited 4.cn, Hangzhou Party Secretary Kunming Huang, made an important instructions regarding such issues as webiste innovation. He pointed out that, as the portal of the Internet, 4.cn has to further enhance independent innovation. At the mean time, 4.cn has to expand the market ,seek the new revenue and profit growth and build the solid foundation for the sustainable development. Furthermore, the Sectary noted, as one of the reputed companies in domestic domain industry ,4.cn should play the leading role to drive the whole industry developing healthily.
At the end of the inspection,Hangzhou Party Secretary Kunming Huang, fully affirmed the achievements 4.cn has accomplished and look forward to 4.cn's future. He encouraged us to make more contribution to the development of 4.cn by maintaining the work spirits of diligence, responsibility, solidarity.